Written by Rev'd Dr Beverley L. Jane
Illustrated by Yvonne M. Manger
Are you looking for ideas for Children's Ministry? Then this book can help you.
The book is written for leaders of small groups of primary school age children. It can also be a resource for parents who are seeking to home school their children.
The book describes an authentic program we designed for children who attended a local church. With a focus on Bible storytelling, Beverley has rewritten each story so that it can be read to children.
"Hands-on" activities motivate the children who are encouraged to be creative whilst having fun as they learn about Jesus. A unique aspect of the book is that the lessons have been successfully trialed. Photographs show what the children did and made. To consolidate learning copyright-free reproducible colouring-in pages are included for each lesson.
Ideas are suggested for ways of incorporating indigenous perspectives in culturally appropriate activities.
About us:
Beverley Jane, the author of this book, is an Anglican priest. She was a secondary school teacher and teacher educator in Australian Universities for many years. She is an experienced designer of creative hand-on experiences for young children.
Yvonne Manger, the illustrator, has artistic expertise in drawing and painting. She has drawn the reproducible colouring-in pages for the children.
As young children we enjoyed participating in Sunday School lessons at the same church in Melbourne, Australia. Currently Beverley lives in the Noosa Interland and Yvonne in Gympie, Qld. Both are passionate about Children's Ministry and seek to help leaders and parents provide engaging faith experiences for children who come to church or are learning about Jesus at home.