The Archbishop’s November Appeal: The Coming of the Light -
developing Mission and Ministry in the Torres Strait Islands
Each year in November, we devote our Outreach Project to The Province of
Queensland Archbishop's November Appeal. In 2021, this appeal supports
the development of ministry in the Torres Strait Islands.
It is timely that we support the ministry and mission of the Anglican Church
in the Torres Strait, because this year marks the 150th celebration of the
‘Coming of the Light’ to the Torres Strait Islands. The ‘Coming of the Light’
marks the anniversary of the arrival of the London Missionary Society with
Pacific Islander evangelists, who first brought the Bible to the people of
Darnley Island. This event, The Coming of The Light, is now an integral part
of cultural identity to Torres Strait Islander peoples, marked as a public
holiday within the region. It is also an important anniversary for the national
Anglican church, noted in our lectionary.
The anniversary of The Coming of The Light invites us to celebrate mission
and ministry, particularly within the Torres Strait, and offers us the
opportunity to recognize the spirit of hope held among the communities
there, and contribute to the further development of local ministry among
In order to develop ministry in the Torres Strait, three members of the
Melanesian Brothers have recently begun a new household on Thursday
Island. The Melanesian Brotherhood is the largest Anglican religious order
and is headquartered in the Solomon Islands. The Brothers live and minister
at the Cathedral on Thursday Island, nurturing community and supporting
clergy and lay ministers across the islands of the Torres Strait.
General News
November Outreach (Cont.)
Can we give $1,000 towards developing ministry in the Torres Strait Islands?
Outreach envelopes for November are available at the Outreach poster
in the Narthex. Please place your donation in the special November
envelopes and place it in the donation boxes, in the collection, or give it to a
Using electronic banking, make a bank transfer to:
BSB 034 003 Account No: 385378; please narrate your deposit “Outreach
11” and also e-mail to inform us of your
deposit (include the amount). For other forms of payment, please phone the
cathedral office [(07) 3835 2222] during normal business hours Monday-
Friday. Thank you.
General News
developing Mission and Ministry in the Torres Strait Islands
Each year in November, we devote our Outreach Project to The Province of
Queensland Archbishop's November Appeal. In 2021, this appeal supports
the development of ministry in the Torres Strait Islands.
It is timely that we support the ministry and mission of the Anglican Church
in the Torres Strait, because this year marks the 150th celebration of the
‘Coming of the Light’ to the Torres Strait Islands. The ‘Coming of the Light’
marks the anniversary of the arrival of the London Missionary Society with
Pacific Islander evangelists, who first brought the Bible to the people of
Darnley Island. This event, The Coming of The Light, is now an integral part
of cultural identity to Torres Strait Islander peoples, marked as a public
holiday within the region. It is also an important anniversary for the national
Anglican church, noted in our lectionary.
The anniversary of The Coming of The Light invites us to celebrate mission
and ministry, particularly within the Torres Strait, and offers us the
opportunity to recognize the spirit of hope held among the communities
there, and contribute to the further development of local ministry among
In order to develop ministry in the Torres Strait, three members of the
Melanesian Brothers have recently begun a new household on Thursday
Island. The Melanesian Brotherhood is the largest Anglican religious order
and is headquartered in the Solomon Islands. The Brothers live and minister
at the Cathedral on Thursday Island, nurturing community and supporting
clergy and lay ministers across the islands of the Torres Strait.
General News
November Outreach (Cont.)
Can we give $1,000 towards developing ministry in the Torres Strait Islands?
Outreach envelopes for November are available at the Outreach poster
in the Narthex. Please place your donation in the special November
envelopes and place it in the donation boxes, in the collection, or give it to a
Using electronic banking, make a bank transfer to:
BSB 034 003 Account No: 385378; please narrate your deposit “Outreach
11” and also e-mail to inform us of your
deposit (include the amount). For other forms of payment, please phone the
cathedral office [(07) 3835 2222] during normal business hours Monday-
Friday. Thank you.
General News